Educate Now to Achieve Later (ENAL) After-School Tutoring Program
The ENAL program is a 21st Century Community Learning Center funded program specifically designed to captivate and improve the academic success of its participating students. ENAL programming currently operates within the Riverview Gardens School District at both Koch Elementary School and Westview Middle School, serving students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade
Goals of the ENAL program include:
Increasing urban-area youth literacy and math skills, academics and test scores of students in the program;
Empowering youth to gain self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals for their education and career;
Establishing positive adult relationship with the students;
Engaging parents and community agencies in providing the best possible services needed for program success;
Providing a nourishing meal and safe alternative learning environment during the after school hours for urban-area youth
The ENAL program provides STEM-based after school tutoring and enrichment to the students who have an incarcerated parent or are performing 2 – 3 grade levels below Grade Level Expectations (GLE). Tutoring is provided five days a week in Math, Reading and English Language Arts (ELA). Enrichment opportunities include: Character Educational classes, Robotics, and Science. TSM partners with organizations that include the St. Louis Science Center, Bricks4Kidz, Girls on the Run, Cooking Matters, Two Mike’s Catering, and First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson to ensure that we are providing a holistic approach to service delivery. This approach ensures that TSM is providing the students we serve with a solid educational foundation that will promote accelerated learning during the school day and academic proficiency that enables students to graduate college and be career ready.

Adult General Academic Program of Education (AGAPE)
Pre and Post Release Program
Studies show there are nearly 33,000 adult inmates in prison in the state of Missouri, approximately 2,500 in one of St. Louis City’s or St. Louis County’s jails, and 68,000 currently on probation or parole. The SoulFisher Ministries provides incarcerated
men and women, the opportunity to participate in an alternative learning program through quality and compassionate classroom educational instruction. Life skills, goal setting, relationship restoration, restorative justice opportunities, and access to transitional housing are also available for program participants.
Goals of the AGAPE program include:
Providing formerly incarcerated individuals with educational and functional competencies instrumental in reintegrating into society and regaining control of their lives and families;
Reducing recidivism among the population of men and women involved in the criminal justice system by providing a holistic approach to reentry that prepares them to successfully transition from incarceration to the St. Louis community;
Expanding TSM’s service provision to include post-release supportive housing that provides a continuum of services for individuals served pre-lease by TSM;
Strengthening the relationship between individuals involved in the criminal justice system and service providers by ensuring case management includes both pre-release and post-release services;
Identifying barriers to successful reentry and engaging collaboration of key stakeholders and representatives in the community;
Developing a method of monitoring, evaluating and updating The SoulFisher Ministries’ reentry knowledge and processes
The AGAPE program model is based on a combination of successful educational and reentry programs currently in place. The educational program is based on the Adult Continuing Education program currently being implemented by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). BOP’s Office of Research has found that participation in educational programming by justice-involved individuals leads to a 16 percent reduction in recidivism. The functionality components of the AGAPE program are based on a combination of individual components offered by The Center for Women in Transition, Queen of Peace, and Area Resources for Community and Human Services (ARCHS).
The SoulFisher Ministries seeks to offer combined services through one program, the AGAPE program. Each AGAPE program component is designed to prepare program participants to pursue post-secondary attainment upon release, and promote the development of strong personal, interpersonal and professional skills. Missouri Department of Corrections currently recognizes The SoulFisher Ministries and its AGAPE Program as a Reentry Partner.
& AGAPE Supportive Housing
Fisher Transitional Living for Women is a community-based transitional housing program committed to assisting and empowering women to successfully rebuild relationships with their family and community. This is accomplished through providing case-management, home-management, money-management, goal setting, budgeting, and employment assistance. Fisher Transitional Living for Women offers free, mandatory educational opportunities for those lacking a high school diploma or GED. Individual, family, and housing counseling are available and highly recommended for all women. If a woman has a substance abuse problem, she will be required to attend outpatient treatment and subsequent substance abuse meetings. Women participating in Fisher Transitional Living for Women program are also subject to random urinalysis. Psychological and/or psychiatric counseling is also available through referral.
TSM provides a continuum of reentry services that promote successful transition from incarceration back into the community. In addition to transitional housing, these services include supportive housing, financial literacy, identity class, and career readiness classes. Supportive services include: transportation assistance, utility assistance, obtaining valid identification, mental health services and health care assistance.